>> Did you ever serve in the military?
Yes. Although I will spare you my family's resume.
>>>It IS not only possible but commendable to simultaneously support our troops and NOT support the politics which have sent them into harm's way
Complete modern day PC hogwash. To say such is to imply that those who are currently dying for the cause for which they are fighting are dying for absolutely nothing. This is unacceptable and disrespectful to the service members and to the families of those in harm's way.
>>>when the politics are inappropriate.
Once committed in theatre, politics play absolutely no part. The committment of the ENTIRE country to the objective must be of the highest resolve.
>>>Doing so demonstrates an ability to think critically
Hogwash. You have plenty of time before and after to make all of the lofty idealisic liberal arguments you want. When the Nation's force is committed, so should be its populace.
>>>As Thomas Jefferson once said, "Dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
Express your "dissent" all you want prior to committment of troops or at the polls in the next election. With troops in harm's way, ANY statement that would minimize the importance of the mission and boost the moral of the enemy is UNpatriotic and Mr. Jefferson would agree.