Rick, to quote from my web page ( http://www.antiquegamblingchips.com/molddesign_suits.htm ):
16 SUITS -- spade, heart, club and diamond, repeated four times. This is the closest I have found to Borland's mold #16 -- the same number of suits in the same order. Rare, but just a plastic poker chip. The blank center was used for an imprint; just now (Jan. 2, 2001) I won at eBay this same blue chip with the imprint BPOE 1554 and picture of an elk!....
To repeat, I put the flimsy/light plastic chip in with my other molds --not because it is rare, which it is-- because it was in Borland's list and it has a flat center for hot-stamping. The other chip (the one you show on the right) is a nice plastic chip, but can not be hot-stamped (becase the embossed design extends to the center). I have a lot of this chip and will send one free to anyones who sends me a stamped/addressed envelope, but I can't see why anyone would want one.
Incidentally, I'll sell this very rare scallop-inlay $25 James Bond chip for $12 postpaid-insured to anyone who wants one (while supply lasts). Hardly anyone has this scallop inlay chip: