I beg your pardon David. What type of a statement is that?
I do not read this board everyday. Often I don't know what was posted or not posted.
I am aware of the post regarding the Landmark 50 cent chips BECAUSE someone was kind enough to send me the link. I explained how I believe the mix up came about.
For your information I NEVER cover for anyone.
David said........"I am starting to wonder whether you are covering for Pete or whether he hides the truth from you also?"
In addition I deal in transactions not in heresay. I have no idea what you are talking about. Also, while we are asking questions:
What State are you Certified in? You call yourself a CPA or are you a chartered accountant in England? The use of the CPA designates you passed an exam in THIS country. It does not mean you are licensed to practice in this country.Did you pass the exam in my country?
I have showed you courtesy in answering your questions. I have tried to be a gentleman and will continue to be so. So lets set the record straight ----Jim Perlowski DOES NOT cover for anyone.
Now will you be so kind as to answer my question as to where Ralph made such a comment?