For those of you who do not know, I am the Rizzo's CPA.I was hired far enough back to know first hand that many of accusations, character assassination by small minded individuals are simply not true.
James - Pete's character has been assisinated by his own words and actions. I am here to tell you that everything I've said about Pete is true. He pulled a bait and switch on me the first time I did business with him and that my friend is a FACT. I told him that it would cost him 10x what he made and I am going to keep that promise.
I have not known Pete to "bait and switch" any of his customers; nor do I have any knowledge of any finacial wrong doings either in sales or trades with dealers or the general public.
He pulled it on me, so now you do know; and ask him about the error chip he had Josh Shore sell for him and ask how he acquired it. The silence speaks volumes.
I do not have any clients who are dishonest or lie to their customers.
You have Pete for a client and both things can not be true at the same time. Pete is dishonest (and that's a polite way to say it), he lies like a rug and he's crooked as a bag of snakes. Other than that I'm sure he has fresh breath, no dandruff and is an upstanding car-jockey.
I realize individuals have differences of opinion so be it.
Yes - I think he should live up to the code of Ethics and he doesn't. We certainly have a difference of opinion on that issue.
I also realize that certain individuals have turned in Pete to our fine organization with formal complaints for not listing chips on Ebay the WAY THEY WANTED the chips listed. I am truly sorry for those individuals who are so filled with dislike and even HATE that Pete Rizzo has become an obsession for them.
Yes - that's me - Pete lists chips in an intentionally misleading way. Our fine organization doesn't need its reputation sullied by the likes of Rizzo. Again - if they were "Casino chips" Jim, what casino issued them?
It seems no one can give an honest answer to that because it reveals the truth about the chips and in the process, about Pete. Yes, I want the chips listed honestly and Pete wants to sell them no matter what. He agreed to stop the practice, so what does that say?
Don't be sorry for me, be sorry for Pete because he picked the wrong person to bait and switch. It was a foolish thing to do and he is paying the price, as I promised he would. I'm all over Pete like a cheap suit, so he'd better try operating on the up-and-up.
Too those individuals I would suggest to enjoy the hobby and move on.
Right I will - just as soon as Pete refunds my money and admits the chips he sold me were not the chips shown on the page I bought them from. Then he can aplogize for the defamatory remarks and insinuations about me and we can both move on; me to vindication, Pete to honest dealings.
Now while we are at it, let's just get the cards on the table. It's common knowledge that Pete has tried various and sundry techniques to eliminate the competition. In public he's tried to undermine virtually every chip seller. One in particular, Les Lawrence, is THE most honest person I have ever done business with.
Les bought a bunch of previously rare chips and sold them at market price. The seller then "found" a bunch more. Les offered a full refund to everyone who bought the sets from him, when in fact he was not obliged to do anything of the kind. Even after that, Pete came here and posted in a manner that suggested Les had more than he let on and was misleading buyers. If anyone has anything bad about Lew Lawrence, I'd like to hear it.
Lastly, after Pete posts thinly veiled threats against me attending the convention, he doesn't show up himself. Ironic isn't it? Can you explain that Jim? I can: some people were looking for him because word got out that he had employed a technique that he had used in the past to put rival chip sellers out of business.
What else could explain why Pete Rizzo, living in Las Vegas, wouldn't attend the largest assembly of chip buyers and sellers in his own backyard? Because he was caught at his dirty tricks and was scared - yes, scared to face the music. And scared that one of the many people he screwed would give him what he so richly deserves. You can only do what Pete does for so long before it catches up to you and somebody opens up a six-pack of whoop-ass on you. Pete better use deep cover, or better yet leave the hobby while he still is able. n this case, it will clearly be a case of addition by subtraction.