A number of Whalens repairs have only been detected under x-ray. I suggest you talk to Gene about this when he returns on 25th July - he is the one that drew my attention to the fact.
This is my last mention on the PR subject at present as (you may see this from my later posts tonight) I do have better things to do.
Pete 'interfered' with deals which were nothing to do with him. A couple of these involved me and Josh. Judging by Andy's post below he has been 'affected' as well. He has deliberately stated incorrect facts about chip finds on at least 3 occasions. Im not arguing any more on this - I am stating facts. Josh posted the proof on this some time ago. We were expecting an apology from Pete but it didnt happen and I doubt it will.
On a completely different subject - can I ask you a question as a CPA (dont be influenced by your previous employment!). If one of your clients was aware that one of his competitors was not declaring their income, and wanted your advice as to whether they should 'turn this person in', what advice would you give?