Based on my records of purchases and "harvesting", here is what I believe to be the chronilogical order of issue of all of the documented Hard Rock roulette sets. Any additional Roulette chip listings in the TCR should be removed.
1. 1995 - Two tables in play #1 and #2.
2. 1996 - I believe the Casino dropped back to only one table and replaced the #ed chips with Black flames on Silver background - "Hard Rock Hotel" in Silver letters outside of the center inlay. One table in play for a period of time..
3. Late 1996 early 1997 - Two additional tables were put in play. Silver flames on Black background and Gold flames on Black background. "Hard Rock Hotel" in Black letters outside the center inlay. Total of three tables in play.
4. 1999 - Two more tables were added - Multicolor flames with Gold tips and Multicolor flames with White tips. "Hard Rock Hotel" in Black letters outside the center inlay. Total of five tables in play.
5. 2000 - Five new designs rerplaced the existing five designs - "Hard Rock Hotel" inside the center inlay style roulettes in five color combos. Total of five tables in play.
6. 2004 - Five new Hotstamped designs replace the existing five designs. Total of five tables in play.
Total number of known seven piece sets 1995 - 2004 would be 17.
As an additional side note, I believe there were several designs and color combos that were never put in play, but may have been ordered by the Casino. Maybe some day these missing sets will surface if they have not been destroyed.
Till later,
"Mr. Roulette"