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The Chip Board Archive 11

OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert

Here is your next question. Inquiring minds want to know.
In this day and age where a $100 bill is as common as a James Bond Casino chip, Why is it that the Bureau of Printing and Engraving [ Note, I did not say the Mint or Treasury grin] does not produce a bill larger than a $100.

In my youth when a $100 bill was as scarce as hen's teeth there were several bills in much higher denominations in circulation.

I have heard that the reason is because of smuggling, drug trafficking and money laundering.
Is that true?
Certainly in this age of an inflated economy a $500 or $1000 bill would come in handy.

In addition I have read somplace that something like 90+ percent of our $20 bills show positive when tested for traces of cocaine.

Sooooo, get those 20's away from your nose, get off, uh out of the oval office, stop playing checkers with coco and get into the doghouse and get to work rofl

Messages In This Thread

OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Re: OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Re: OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Now that is a good looking bill!
Re: OK Mr. Poole You,You, Currency Expert
Money and privacy
Re: Money and privacy
It's Already Here Don....
Re: It's Already Here Don....
Yea, and the Tattoo on your forehead will wash off
grin vbg rofl grin vbg rofl
Ahhh Elementry My dear Watson!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg