Cool. You have a post I can reply to. You are the Man I first thought of when this question came about this afternoon. Just got back from Vegas and have a bunch of chips and tokens from my last couple trips that I need to get AirTites and 2x2 holders and boxes for.
While talking to my Girlfriend this afternoon she mentioned some stuff that she needs also. She has a small collection of currency including some foriegn and some $2 bills and a few Silver Certificates. I was wondering what you would recommend for protecting and preserving paper money. Anything that needs to be considered? Acid Free, PVC issues....? Also, is there a specific supplier that you would recommend for such supplies. I have ordered stuff from Cassidy and JPs Corner in the past. I figured that when I put in an order for my stuff I would throw in some of the stuff that she needs as well. You came to mind as one of THE people who would know about collecting Currency. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.