Take a look at my latest post--not on this thread. Read MARK'S insulting reply to my post to eBay. Keep in mind that the $999,999 came in under MARK's e-Mail address. My post to eBay is contained in MARK's response. If he was innocent as he claims, then his abusive language to me is totally inconsistent with that position. Nonetheless, I remain non-judgmental. If someone is abusing MARK then I hope eBay catches them and if that person is a member of CC>CC, I hope as per Marv's recital of our oblications that such a person is removed from membership. If it is MARK who is the culprit, then I hope his status as seller is also termianted. Ebay is already under investigation in two jurisdicitons by federal authorities because of alleged fraudulent auctions and I would assume that they will take action to investigate this latest travesty.