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Re: I hadn't either until a few days ago....

It has been interesting reading some of these replies. I would simply say that I am in no hurry to see this movie. I did see Roger and Me and will concede that I thought it was pretty funny. However you have to realize that Michael Moore has a history of being a little loose with the facts. Therefore I am nervous that many will go see this film as a serious documentry and presentation of FACTS and evidence of conspiricies or fraud.... The truth, as I understand it, is that Moore doesn't always make such allegations. He uses imagery and inferrance to lead the audience to make those determinations. Right or wrong. I recall, and I don't remember if it was Columbine or This film or what, that there has been proven information that Moore set up people during interviews. Took advantage of Charlton Heston after it was revealed that he suffered from Alzheimers to get material that would, not state a case or present some facts, but would create an IMAGE that would lead viewers to certain wrong conclusions. Also he, at some point, knew that one person who he wanted to interview was out of town yet he went to the man's office with his film crew demanding to speak to that person in an interview. When the secretary couldn't let Moore in to see her boss, Moore claimed that the guy was dodging his questions and was trying to hide something. Truth was, like I said, the man was not in and Moore knew it before he even went to the office. He just did it to stage a sensational scene for the benefit of IMAGES.

Like others have said, I will probably wait to see it sometime when it is on free tv or on HBO or someplace where others have chosen to pay for it and I don't have to shell out money that I don't already pay for other programming of value to me. He had a right to make the film. He also has the right to have the film seen. I do side with Disney(?) though when they chose NOT to allow it to be released by one of their subsidiaries. That was their right to not stand behind it if they felt it was too contriversial or misleading.... However, as our democratic and free capitalistic society has again proven to work, another entity stepped up to help it get to the theaters and Michael Moore's film is in the theaters. Likewise if HBO or some other company, FREELY CHOOSES, to present it on cable that is their perrogotive and I might sit down and watch it. But in that spirit, I am choosing not to put any of my hard earned money directly into Moore's pockets as I feel, personally, that he is a fraud. Grant it, I haven't heard him claim that his film is a serious factual documentry but the fact that he made it and may have committed some of the acts that are alleged about being deceptive, misleading or downright untruthful I will not add any legitimacy to it by being part of his box office records and thus helping him or others who are hoping for the movies success be able to present it as real facts or a documentry. Again, as my understanding is, IT IS NOT A DOCUMENTRY.

I see this film, like Columbine and others as being theatrical entertainment films done in a documentry STYLE. They are NOT Documentries. They may present real events but the way those events are presented are manipulated in order to present a message that is NOT NECESARILLY FACT.

In closing, I will say that I haven't yet seen Columbine nor have I actually seen any reviews or clips from F9/11. I chose not to see Columbine in the theaters, I will not rent it nor will I pay extra to see it on PPV or such. Likewise I have the same feelings toward F/911. Further, I feel that 9/11 is part of the height of hypocrocy. I saw libererals and democrats, over the last 3 years warning and scolding and chastising about any effort to EXPLOIT the horrors or tragedies of 9/11 for political gain. I see that Michael Moore has done just that with 9/11. He has exploited the tragedies that effected every man woman and child in this country for his own monitary, personal and poilitical interests. I have vivid memories of sitting at home in front of the TV that morning. I had fallen asleep on the floor the night before while doing some work. My father came in, woke me up and said our country was under attack. I didn't believe him at first but looked up at the TV to see the first burning tower of the WTC. I heard reporters talking of numerous hijacked airliners and then saw the second plane hit. Followed by frantic reports of another plane on radar at low altitude and high speed going up the Patomic(sp?) Then the Pentagon being hit. And the crash of another plane in PA.

Living in Chicago the next week was EERIE. Sitting on our patio, only 14 miles from ORD in a direct landing path. Normally there are constant sounds of aircraft on approach. But now, TOTAL SILENCE. Maybe the occasional sounds of a fighter jet at High altitude doing a CAP mission over Chicago. News reports of the Sears Tower being among those that were targeted and so on. It might seem hypocritical to some but I have to say that Bush presenting some of what he has about 9/11 in his ads is legitimate as it is a part of his resume. Part of his performance in office and the defining acts of his leadership right after 9/11 that were virtually unanomously praised by all sides. I do also agree that John Kerry has every right to campaign on his Viet Nam record and won't fault him there.

But Michael Moore, I believe, is trying to revise peoples memories of those hours, days, weeks after this tragedy. He is also doing it for his own personal and political interests.

OK, Now I have vented. I am going to go read about casino chips.

Messages In This Thread

Just Saw Fahrenheit 9/11....... grin
I have no use for Michael Moore. mad
Re: I have no use for Michael Moore. mad
I hadn't either until a few days ago....
Re: rofl rofl rofl
Re: I hadn't either until a few days ago....
Good Commentary.
Re: I have no use for Michael Moore. mad
Re: Just Saw Fahrenheit 9/11....... grin
Re: Lack of Unity?
Re: Lack of Unity?
I wonder what effect it will have on elections....
With your $8 Maybe Kerry will Watch it! vbg
Kerry sure ain't in it for the money!
Kerry the wealthiest ...
Fahrenheit 9/11 ...
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 ...
Bob said....
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 ...
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 ...
USA Two questions...
Re: Just Saw Fahrenheit 9/11....... grin
Lest make a SAKE Holiday grin
or pay 3¢ . . . . . grin
Re: or pay 3¢ . . . . . grin
Paul said . . . . . grin
Re: Paul said . . . . . grin
Re: Paul said . . . . . grin
Re: Paul said . . . . . grin
Re: Paul said . . . . . grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg