The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.

One point not yet made about CA Card Rooms is that the card room does not bank the games. All play and win/loss is between the players. All the card room does is provide a place to play. This is paid for by a per hand rake or a per hour seat fee or some other form of payment to the card room, thus it is not unusal to see the owner playing in the card room as a player just like any other player.

Messages In This Thread

More weird California Card room stories
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.
Re: Ron, I forgot to mention something.
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.
Re: Ron, I know these clubs very well.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg