We're back home after a nice drive from Las Vegas to Ohio. For those who were asking - we got the house. We'll soon be Las Vegagians.
This had to be one of the best conventions yet. Robert Maheu was above being an excellent speaker. I think we all could have listened to him for hours. The show floor was packed on Thursday with more people waiting in line to get in than I've ever seen at previous conventions. Dealers were doing a land office business. Three great seminars and a fabulous auction filled some of the time.
This year we had a video production company on site and there will be a tape or DVD available for order. Be sure to get your orders in for this. If you were at the show, it is a great record of what went on and if you missed the show, you can drool over what you didn't get to personally see. I spent the better part of two days working with the editor and this is going to be a GREAT tape. Take my word for it and order. If you have a DVD player that is the way to go, but we will have VHS tapes available. Don't wait, once the order goes in, they may not be reordered again.
Thanks to all the many volunteers who did a great job in making this convention a success. Without each of you, the show would not go on.
More notes and details later. Still unpacking from the trip and then start repacking for the move.
Next years convention will be at the Riviera again. Dates will be finalized next week and I'll make an announcement on the board.
Jim Steffner
Convention Chairman