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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: What is up with eBay ?
In Response To: What is up with eBay ? ()

I'd suggest the difficulty is not with eBay as a chip market, but with recent "collector chips" such as you are offering, Matt. There just isn't a demand for most Limited Edition Nevada chips these days, either at auction, or at chip shows. I spoke to several dealers who are returning them to casinos for face value. I have a number of 10 year old, low issue, LE's that generate no interest as traders.

There are always exceptions, like Hard Rock chips that appeal to HR memorabilia collectors but commemorative Nevada chips are turning out to be about as good an investment as US commemorative postage stamps. The difference is that you can always mail a letter with your stamp, but with casinos like 4-Queens demonetizing their LE's, you may not be able to get face value for many of them.

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What is up with eBay ?
Re: What is up with eBay ?
Re: What is up with eBay ?
Re: What is up with eBay ?
Re: What is up with eBay ?
Convention cleaned everyone out!
Looks like a LOT of bids to me eBay ?
Re: What is up with eBay ?
Kill the Auctions!!!
Re: What is up with eBay ?
Im 1 person who LOVES $1 limited vegas chips!

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