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The Chip Board Archive 11

Building Fund concerns?

I have read the recent posts regarding the Club’s building fund. There appears to be concern that it may be a “scam”! How anyone has arrived at this conclusion is beyond me, but I do know that there are some members out there that don’t agree with it. They are not agreeing with it because they are voluntarily assuming what they think it means.

I would first like to state that I am on the Vision and Feasibility Committee. Did you catch that name – VISION and FEASIBILITY COMMITTEE”? Say it again, out loud - Vision and Feasibility Committee. What exactly does that mean? It means we are charged with investigating whether this project is feasible. (Webster-“Capable of being accomplished or brought about; possible: a feasible plan.”)

Does that mean we’re negotiating to buy property on the Strip? No.

Does this mean we’re planning on opening a warehouse full of chips and collectibles next week? No.

Does this mean we’re going to raise dues to pay for the building? No.

Does this mean we’re “scamming” the Club members? No.

Does this mean we’re investigating the possibility of having a place to call home, a place to display collections, a place to provide an accounting of casino and gaming history, a place to offer a library, a place to provide a resource to learn and research? Yup!

We don’t even know if this will happen, but we do know that, if it is going to happen, it will take time and energy and lots of hours by volunteers investigating the possibility – which is what we are doing. And that is all that we are doing!

I have the following offer to all that read this:
If you have any questions or concerns about volunteers from the Club researching the opportunity to move forward in acquiring a location to give us a building, or part of a building, then please send them to me. I promise that I will address your concerns with the V&F Committee during our research. However, I will not address any concerns that begin with: “I heard…”; “Someone said…”; “Others say…”etc. etc. etc. (read blah, blah, blah)

Be proud of your opinion! Sign your name to it! I have already heard from two dealers who are concerned with this project and I appreciate their comments. I do not appreciate “anonymous” posts or gossip and I will not respond to such.

Our Club president, Mike Skelton, asked me to be on this committee. I do not intend to step on his toes, or the toes of our Chairman Jim Pierre, by making this offer. I’m just a bit jazzed right now about our committee. I was invited tonight by the Director of the Atomic Testing Museum on the UNLV campus to attend an address given by Nevada State Senator Dina Titus, who very well may be our next governor. Dina played an integral part in making the museum become a reality. I looked around the museum tonight and couldn’t help but think about how awesome it would be for our Club to have our own place. Unfortunately, from the comments tonight, I realized it will be a long, hard row to hoe.

I’ve got no problems with that. But I do have problems with those who want nothing more than to be a thorn in the side of those that care. If you want to provide positive criticism and concern, then, please, take me up on my offer and voice your concerns to me. I will listen to them and address them. If you want to just make posts about rumors, then have fun with it, but you’ll get no response out of me.


Tyrus Mulkey
Life Member # 2211-21

Messages In This Thread

Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- You still don't get it sad
Re: Stu -- Joe's quote that started it all....
Re: Stu -- Joe's quote that started it all....
Re: Stu -- Joe's quote that started it all....
That's a good clarification Archie...
I can't wait to see who jumps me for posting this
Re: But the question remains unanswered ...
Understand the frustration Archie
Tyrus-That was well said-Thank you!!Great explana
Well said!
Re: Well said!
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
Re: Building Fund concerns?
joe pavliks response
grin My one and a half cents...
Re: grin My one and a half cents...
grin My fourth of a cent...
grin Meant to say half a cent...
Re: grin My one and a half cents...
Excellent post Tyrus...

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