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The Chip Board Archive 11

Jim couldn't be more wrong

Jim you are mistaken. freedom of speech also includes anonymity. the higest court in your country says so in McIntyre vs. Ohio (1995). Freedom of Speech says that people can state their opinion about anything in any number of ways and without being public about who they are.

Your opinion about it having to be public is 100% wrong. the history of the united states and the legal decisions of same, say you are talking out your tail end. the Federalist papers were published anonymously by Alexander Hamilton John Jay and James Madison. cowards? these guys helped found the greatest republic in the history of man. no it is not a democracy as most American's think but a constitutional republic.

other courts have upheld anonymous Speech on Internet, see

and how would reporteers do if they gave up their sources as you can see the sources would soon dry up how about white house leaks should reporters be made to reveal those sources

I agree not a shred of supporting evidence has been offered and thats not right but your position of anonymous speech being cowardice doesn't hold water. in your own words it is just an unsupported opinion and clearly wrong according to historical fact.

Messages In This Thread

posting of names for bashing the building fund
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
Freedom of Speech
Re: posting of names for bashing the building fund
You Talkin About Me Jim? grin
Jim couldn't be more wrong
...that you, al?
Re: ...that you, al?
Re: Jim is correct ....

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