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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: building fund
In Response To: Re: building fund ()


I would argue that it is important – strike that – vital – to do a cost/benefit analysis on anything that comes at such high a cost as a club building. Up until this point, it hasn’t been that big a problem since the number of dollars collected has been such that if the project were scrapped, the money could go into the general fund. However, things are getting more serious now. As the project moves into the post $50,000 phase, things need to be formalized in a way that the membership of the club can be assured that the project is progressing ins a way that benefits everyone.

I would suggest that the “powers that be” (whatever that means in this case) sit down and have some very frank and earnest discussions and address a number of pressing questions. These should range from “Should we have a building?” through “What will it be used for?” and on to “How will we pay for/maintain it?” There are many other sorts of questions in between that I have left out. My suggestion is that the results of this discussion be worked into a white paper that can be used as an official club stance on the issue. That way, people who question the importance or usefulness of such a project can be pointed to that document as a means of reassuring them that their questions have at least been addressed.

As I see it, the problem isn’t so much that people don’t want a building – there will always be people who disagree with any direction the club takes on anything (hopefully not always the same people!). Most people have a great deal of trust in the leadership of the club (or they wouldn’t choose to remain as members, I would think) and simply need to see the thought process as hashed out to justify the expenditure of resources.

The truth is that there are many good people who are willing to work hard on and donate money to projects that benefit the club and the members. It is important to ensure that tilting at windmills or pursuing projects of questionable benefit does not waste the efforts and dedication to the club of the fine member who give so much to keep it going.

- Pat

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building fund
When you say "scam"...
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Re: building fund
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Hey Joe !!!
He's just stirring up an argument...
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Club Building has got my vote!!I support the fund!
Dealers, or your opinion?
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Re: building fund
Re: building fund
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