Thanks Archie. I wasn't trying to pick on you, you just provided such a timely example <g>. By leaving the base URL portion, it comes up as a "broken image," a box with an x in it or a little "picture" icon with a corner torn off, leaving people to think you tried to post something and failed. What's really problematic is truly bad URLs, where the browser goes off and tries to load it and has to wait a long time for confirmation it's bad. That'll happen every time it loads. A little friendly bridge work, on the other hand, only has to load the first time you see it, then it will be in your browser's cache until you don't see it for a while. If the browser finds it in the cache, it just pops right back up without having to reload from the web.
As for retyping URLs, I have my Netscape browser set up so my "home" page is my web page. I just click on the Home button at the top and I see a list of my images. Click on an image and it displays, with it's URL in the "address" box at the top. Copy that URL to the clipboard, paste in in the Optional Image box and voile'! I believe Explorer has the same functionality. At any rate, put you web page in your favorites list or somewhere so it's easy to get to with a click.