<<Katie, ain't you got no edumacation? da boyz an goils reeding dis leter think dare so smart. weeze no better dont weeze>>
You tried hard Paul. Alas any Brooklynite knows there are no such things as a beginning "th" or an ending "g" unless the word begins with a "d". Also no word end in "R". For example thing is pronounced ding (the "g" is pronounced because thing starts with a "d"). Now your phonetic spelling of reading should have been readin (reedin is optional). Letter should, of course, be letta (again use of one "t" [leta] is optional). I must complement you, however, on the correct phonetic spelling of the diphthongs, boyz and goils are perfect. BTW words ending in "tion" are pronounced son or sun. That was a typo, I assume.