To all who responded to my message reguarding Jim Smith. It's great to hear that most of you defend him so well! I would too, if I never had a problem with him. But after 5 weeks, I think that there is some kind of a problem. I call it lack of communication for starters! I have sent him numerous emails. I only heard from him one time, and he told me that he was back in town, and that he did not see my payment, and that he will look for it and get back to me that afternoon. That was 8/5/99. That was all he wrote! And I haven't heard anything again! Is that what you people would call being a professional? Maybe I should check that definition out again! And Gait, lucky you!! You got an email from him??? That's alot more than I got! And by the way I did not send him a check, it was a money order! And I am looking into that too. So far all I keep hearing is, that maybe the check got lost, or maybe his computer is down, or maybe this or maybe that! They sound like excuses to me! Then contact me about it and let me know something!!! Anything! Or how bout an I'm sorry, but I have been busy moving, ANYTHING! I would have understood! I would have worked with him on it. But you don't just leave people in the dust! How bout telling a friend to contact your customers? Is that really asking alot? Come on give me a break! Wouldn't any of you do that too? I would work with somebody on that! I'm not trying to be mean, but how would any of you as sellers, handle this? I figure if I posted something, maybe he will see it? I don't know what else to do. How bout some suggestions on what should be done next? Could any one of you get in touch with him? Because I sure haven't had any luck! Should I continue to wait another 5 weeks? Should I continue to keep sending emails out? How many more should I send? Does anyone know if he moved yet?? Let me know. Brandi