Yesterday, I notified eBay SAFEHARBOR about the $5,000 phony auction. I copied my report which is set forth below to the original dealer who offered the 21 fantasy chips in the Dutch auction and to "" com--he the of the $5,000 auction. As I suspected the "bjones" handle is a phony one. In any event, I received the following post from the original dealer: Note that he treatens prosecution against me. I don't think he read my original post very carefully. In a previous post to me he advised that he had taken the original pictures off of his Dutch Auction offering.
"Dear Sir,
I am in contact with my attorney about this matter as well as in regards to filing suit for the wrongful and willful
persecution by those on the boards and, yourself for attempting to slander me. I have done nothing wrong but you, on the
whim attempt to subject me to further harassment. Any further contact by you in this matter shall result in SWIFT actions
against you,
I suggest that you leave me out of this and not use my name, e-mail address or my auction for any further communications
in the future,"
At 08:55 AM 8/28/99 , you wrote:
On Aug. 25 Onlinedeals posted a Dutch auction [#152538785]
starting at $36.99 for 21 pictured fantasy chips. Although his
description is a bit long winded and does not clearly indicate that
the chips are fantasy chips, so far as I can see, it is not
inaccurate, nor am I complaining about that auction--the starting
price is reasonable for those chips. However, on August 26, one, posted an auction [#153581011] with
a minimum bid of $5,000 for the same chips. The scans in this
auction are the same as in # 152538785.
This matter was brought to the attention of "Onlinedeals" and has
been discussed on a board that is open for persons interested in
Casino related items. See
Some chipguide board posters have suggested that onlinedeals
and bjones are the same person because the scans are the same.
It has then been alleged that the second auction is a scam
designed to make people think that the first auction for $36.99 is a
"great deal." Onlinedeals has responded to these posts denying
any wrong doing. As I understand onlinedeals' response, it is that
he is not the same person as "animalhouse;" that "animal house"
has taken his scans without permission and has run them in
auction # 153581011 in an effort to attack onlinedeals due to
previous problems between the two persons.
Whatever is the true answer, you need to act quickly. Something is
very wrong. If "animalhouse" has no connection with "bjones" as
the latter states, then "animalhouse" is clearly in violation of eBay's
rules, should be removed from any participation and some sort of
notice should be provided to your buyers. If there is a conspiratorial
connection between the two, then both should be barred. In any
event you need to quickly investigate.
Further "animalhouse's" is clearly a sham. Note he offers a "free
deck" of cards to the winning bidder