The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

Re: I can do it - will just take time

In the search section, you should see a Add/Edit chip tab. Clicking on that tab directly will bring up the add form.

Just add the information in the form...the item, denomination, type (chip or token), category, and theme are required. If those fields are not filled in, it won't let you add the record.

As far as your question on approved chips....the data came from the state of Nevada. Every approved chip that they have records on, dating back to 1990, will be in the system (11,000 + so far, over 13,000) whether they were actually released by the casino or not. So if the state has the data, It's on the site :)

You're defintely right about the "adoptors" name being listed. I've spent all evening just answering emails and posts. Didn't expect this awesome of a response. A couple of folks have already mentioned the sam. I'll have it in place in a couple of days. Just have to figure out the best way to do it.

Let me know if you have any problems adding the chips or photos.


Messages In This Thread Update
Re: Update
Re: Update
Re: Update
Re: Update
Youve answered all mine thank you. but ive just..
Re: Youve answered all mine thank you. but ive jus
I can do it - will just take time
Re: I can do it - will just take time
The ones I added worked just fine
Re: The ones I added worked just fine
Running through the database and selecting
Re: Running through the database and selecting
One last thought from me for the night.
Re: One last thought from me for the night.
They are all commemorative and all LE so for now
How much disk space do you have allocated?
Re: How much disk space do you have allocated?
Ive loaded the equivalent info and images
Re: One last thought from me for the night.
Have a look at this link
Robert, are you being limited in
Re: Robert, are you being limited in
Nice Site Robert!
Re: Nice Site Robert!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg