The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 11

Some people don't realize...

... that you need to be careful. Chips are flat and fairly sturdy and fit nicely in a plain old envelope. Early in my collecting career, I sent a trade to Tyrus in just an envelope. He sent me the shredded envelope back with the chips he sent to me.

I learned a good lesson on postal practices that day. I grew up in a place where the postal crew hand sorted everything, so I never really thought about letter sorters and volumes, etc...

Sure... it's obvious after thinking for two seconds, but sometimes you just don't think to think. grin


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Chips shipped in plain white envelopes
Re: Chips shipped in plain white envelopes
Re: Chips shipped in plain white envelopes
Re: Chips shipped in plain white envelopes
Re: Chips shipped in plain white envelopes
Some people don't realize...
Very true.
Would have been worse if he had used bathroom..
I hve seen the opposite also.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg