Mark wrote.......
"It's just like the copy and paste you did with selected portions of my post."
I only copy & paste what I'm answering. As for AVG...I thought ABC was funny so I went with it & it seems to have hit a nerve, so that's ok.
"a guy who has to remember conversations because his email client doesn't quote the original"
It's does not quote the original because I have no desire to set it up that way. Unlike you I can remember what I said. Besides, why do you think that what YOU do has to be the right way to do it for everyone else? How about letting people do what feels right & works for them? Instead of going your way & knocking everything right & left if it does not conform to your desires?
"7 Years since you had Compuserve? Wow information seems to have perpetual life in cyberspace. Strange."
I was on Prodigy using that chip forum also. It has been about five years since I was with them. I'm sure you could see traces of me being on there also. So, what's your point?
Andy - Las Vegas