I'm glad you enjoy the board. I would think that you would enjoy it much more if you had the respect of the other people that use the board. You won't ever have that as long as you post anonymously. You will always be perceived as an outsider and no one will ever really be able to get to know you.
How can anyone trust someone they don't know? If you have so little faith in what you write that you are unwilling to tie it to your name, how can you expect anyone else to have any regard for what you have to say here?
The vast majority of the people that make up this board, including myself, don't like anonymous posts. I know that I wouldn't spend very long on the phone talking to someone who refused to identify themselves. It's the same way here. There is no credibility in an anonymous post and I rarely read them.
I say if you really enjoy the board so much, have some respect for the other people here and come out of the closet.