A "TROLL" is a person who joins an e-mail list or a newsgroup usually under a psuedonym for the purpose of making inflammatory posts. These people usually make one such post intended to "fuel the fire" under other listmembers. They usually never make any more posts but simply sit back and enjoy the mayhem that results, although occasionally some more hardened "TROLLS" will jump in occasionally to "stir the pot.
Trolls rarely use a last name ... and the first name they adopt is usually a fake one.
They seldom (if ever) publish a legitimate email address ... or they simply use someone else's.
Lastly, they are cowards of the first order; citing their right to "free speech" while spreading their annonymous spray-can grafitti "free-speech" messages throughout a usually "clean" neighborhood/message board, driving out the positive posters who then become reluctant lurkers for fear of attracting the Troll's psycho babble