Take a look at this Last Frontier $100 chip. The inserts are tan. Although it maybe difficult to see the tan in the scan, in person, it's clear as a bell, and quite unmistakable. TCR #9 lists the diamond mold $100 (#N1650) as 3 gray inserts. Since as far a I know, there was only one year that the Last Frontier made diamond mold chips (1948), there are two possible explainations:
1) A miscolor designation in TCR #9.
2) A new discovery.
I have seen these before with tan inserts, but I've never seen one with gray inserts. So, I'm going with the assumption that it's not a new discovery, and that it's the N1650. Hopefully, Allan can still make the change for inclusion in the upcoming TCR 10.
The N1650 is an "L" value chip ($75.00-$99.00)
This one is available for $40.00