Greg, Your example of the magazine concerns me. "If you see an Ad you don't like, flip the page" and "Don't fire off a nasty letter to the editor you just ignore it" That's like saying, "if you don't like what's on TV just flip the channel". Doesn't anyone understand the basic problem??? If we ignore something, it does not go away, it gets worse. The thing to do is post in protest, write the letter to the editor, let "them" know that mainstream America is fed up with being subjected to garbage as the norm instead of the exception. I for one am sick and tired of a few idiots that are always pushing the envelope to see what they can get away with. If those of us that are offended do not speak out, then shame on us. And if we fail to maintain standards of decency then shame on us again. In my opinion, this board exists for the enjoyment, education and expansion of our hobby. All to often the board becomes a forum of personal attacks, crude remarks and poor taste. If I flipped the channel every time something in poor taste appeared I would never have time to watch anything. Don't let that happen to this board.