I've been to a couple of HR releases and pity any and all that have had to do it with any regularity, such as yourself and Andy and other NIS people. I truly applaud your policy of not gouging your customers and I feel for those of you (NIS services) that cannot service all of their regular customers due to the Hard Rock policy(s). And because I have waited in some of those same lines with you (usually WAAAAAAAY behind you ), that is why I don't mind paying a premium for these chips. Once the fun of collecting them goes away (or I can't afford it any more), I'll get rid of 'em...until then, I'll kep paying what the market reflects. And Chuck, if you want to add me to your Hard Rock new issue list and charge me market, God Bess Ya & I'll pay it 'cuz you NIS guys deserve it.
Steve B