Lynn and I want to thank everyone for your thoughts prayers and everything else. It has meant more than you can imagine. It is something we will never forget. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
At this point the only problem Haley has is a nasty little cold that is improving. There are alot of unanswered questions as to what actually took place.
What it is boiling down to, and I am making no accuasations, is some serious misjudgement in health care. It is a very long and complex mess.
The only thing that matters is that Haley made it thru this ordeal. I am not out for blood by any means, but there are a number of questions that need answers as to why and how this child's life was put in jeopardy.
It appears at this point that see has suffered no irreparable harm. She is cooing and smiling and doing everything else a little girl her age should be doing.
I somehow feel that the power of prayer got her thru this serious situation. I had numerous Emails from people on this board telling us they had called friends and family and had them say a prayer.
I am sorry I didn't answer everyone personally. I typed til my fingers about fell off. If you didn't get a personal answer, I apologize, but please understand.
Again, my thanks, and if I may borrow,
Mark and Lynn Englebretson