I'm with Richard on this. I remember watching a show on "Wings Discovery Channel" and some worthy was getting an award at a large function in the thirties. The presenter hands off the trophy, puts his cig in his lip and and starts off the applause! The next scene shows a machinist grinding airplane widgets with a butt in his mouth. A cigarette burn is a peek into the day the chip was in use. Does it add value...nope! But it may fit in to your collection or it may not. Clean or discard as you see fit.
Seems all my hometown O'Conner chips have burns but frankly, I am not willing to collect them at the price pristine examples sell for. USPC, hub and Dia/sqr chips that I know were on the tabes. "For Trade Only" Some folks, like me, do collect perfect chips that never made it out of the factory inventory, sat in a closet or otherwise never put a gambler's fortune to chance. You could argue the value of those chips too!