Is the Fireside open again? Used to be great when Petretti had it 10 years ago.
Best place in town to go is the pharmacy next to JailHouse. Have a malt! YUM!
Ely is a great town! Love that place. I might even get a house up there so I can stay around longer as rooms can be tough at times when I have been through- hunting season etc. If gold keeps going up those mines might reopen. Hey how about a chip building there? I hear a decent house can be had for 50,000 or less!
Hotel NV. is a great place to stay- cheap rooms & pretty good food for a small NV. town. Some places are down right scary to eat at!
That might be roulette therefore standing.
I will let you know for sure. I cant wait to take a trip around again. Buying, Buying, Buying. Oh no then I have to work selling, selling, selling.