Please post a reminder when the pics go up, James, I'd like to see them. I've only traveled the region w/o snow and that is pretty likely in the high desert this time of year. This 9X6 postcard is from better times in Ely, mid-sixties, I'd say. The mine was open and Christy & Jones chips were on the table. A combo is on stages in both insets but looks like they were kind of short of chairs then unless they played roulette standing up. Craps included. For those that haven't been to this place these days, all that is left are two 21 tables and the dealers know everyone in town. You can win a '48 Harley on the slots but seems they may be set pretty tight if'n nobody's won the thing after 55 years!
The resturant is pretty good but I suspect the best food may be at the edge of town at the Fireside Inn.