Doug, when I sell or trade chips I leave it up to the person receiving the chips to pay for shipping. This is the way that ebay does it as well as pretty much every store or website across North America. If you want to buy something and have it shipped to you, 99% of the time it is your responsibility to pay for shipping. I encourage everyone buying or trading with me to pay extra for insurance but if they are not willing to pay for it neither am I. Furthermore, if they choose not to have their package insured and it goes missing I will not replace it. This is how it works when you sell something on ebay and I think that ebay has online trading worked out better than anyone else. If you buy some chips on ebay and turn down insurance because you don't want to pay for it than the seller will not be responsible for refunding your money if the item is lost. Anyway, this is just my opinion. I do not think that this is, necessarily, the absolute right way of doing things but it is the way that ebay does things and it is the way that I do things. Best of luck, Josh from Montreal.