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Not Primadonna Cafe...Read This...

Right after Jim Munding's Reno Show, someone asked about this building thinking it was the Primadonna Cafe, which was incorrect.

Dwayne sent me this, where he asked another individual about the building, which appears to be the oldest building still standing in downtown Reno..Here is actual Email sequence from Dwayne Kling:

Mark: Could you please forward this to anyone and every one that might be interested in the history of this building that someone thought was the Café Primadonna.
thanks, Dwayne
----- Original Message -----
To: Dwayne Kling
Sent: Sunday, October 05, 2003 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: Guy Rocha/Masonic Building

Dwayne Kling:
Pardon the delay in replying to your query, but I just returned Thursday
from a month-long drive back to Chicago and return.
First all, it's not the I.O.O.F. building, but the Masonic Hall, erected by
Reno Lodge No.13, F.and A.M. The cornerstone was laid Oct. 15, 1872 which, in
my estimation, makes it the oldest building in the downtown sector. The two-
story brick was completed with the traditional pomp and circumstance by the
Masons on Feb. 21, 1873. It's first tenant was John C. Hagerman, a Mason and
a dealer in groceries and hardware. Among other tenants of the first floor,
the second floor was devoted to Masonic celebrations/rituals/dances, etc.,
were Gallatin & Folsom; Folsom & Wells; then Reno Mercantile Co., until 1972
when Reno Souvenir & Gift Co. occupied the quarters. Cameo Jewelry & Loan
Co., the building's last tenants, followed them in 1975. Since then, the
historic building has provided storage space for Fitgeralds.
I can only hope and sincerely pray that this building remains a monument to
those other structures that once lined Commercial Row, i.e., Reno's first
buildings that faced the railroad tracks between Virginia and Center streets
and were demolished during the late 1970s.
I would be grateful to learn if you have any further information regarding
the structure.
Richard C. Datin
> Hi,
> My name is Dwayne Kling. Guy Rocha told me that you could give me some info on
> the building on the SE corner of Sierra and Comm. Row (The I.O.O.F. Hall)?
> Could you tell me the year it was built and some of the business that were
> located there?
> Thank You,
> Dwayne

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Not Primadonna Cafe...Read This...
Re: Not Primadonna Cafe...Read This...

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