We returned from beautiful Las Vegas yesterday after 8 days. I was able to buy chips at all the casinos that I visited except for one - the Hard Rock. Four Queens had plenty of their LE Vice chips available and the other casinos had LE's that I wanted and I was able to buy them. When I visited the Hard Rock, I was told "Our chips sell out right away, you'll have to go to a dealer..." Too bad I didn't think to ask what dealer since it would have been interesting to hear the reply. If I'm not in Las Vegas, I have no problem buying a chip from a member NIS (their prices include a modest increase for their time spent in line) but it really gets me that Hard Rock sells them all for resale. The other casinos don't seem to do this. Kind of says something about Hard Rock. If I had to pay $15 for a $5 current LE, I think I'd sell off my modest collection and start collecting something else...
Have a nice day.