been using E-Bay and PayPal for over 18 months and NEVER, NEVER had a problem.
We did not not become "verified" because of the back account exposure so using our different AOL account names we used a different CC when we reached the $2000 limit - how we have a PAYPAL credit card, we are still not verified and the credit limit remains at $2000 even though we use PayPal all the time.
The reasons for a buyer, that's us, using PayPal is enormous - no writing of checks and making sure the checking account balances, no envelopes or stamps to buy, no going to the Post Office, no waiting for chips, cards, etc. to showup for as long as a month - usually the PayPal seller drops the item in the mail the next day. If the buyer wants a little extra for using PayPal and it's within the amount that we were willing to spend to get the item, why not it just makes life simpler.