Note that the two chips below share the exact same color (red), the exact same inserts (4, split yellow by green) and the exact same edge spots (8 yellow dots)! However, the themes and denominations are different.
The $5 LE (1001) commemorates St. Patrick's Day '97 (in March), while the $7.50 LE (1001) commemorates April Fool's Day '97 (just a week or two later).
The $7.50 April Fool's chip has the Lady Luck jester proudly proclaiming "Nobody's Fool", but obviously somebody was!
The $7.50 chip went through a redemption process (before the recent sale of the Luck) and is no longer valid (dare I say obsolete?). I do not know about the $5 chip.
Interesting, huh?
Jim Follis