Hey everyone. I need your help! I've decided to redo my website. First off, for numerous reasons, Im going to do away with the frames format of the site. I'm looking for some ideas on what people like and dislike about my website. Please, be brutally honest.
I figured theres no better people to ask then the people that visit my webpage. I know some of you coem just for the trader lists. Are they set up ok? Do you like the colors, etc.? Heres some back questions that Im looking to address. Any and all ideas are good.
For the chip trader page:
Should I sperate the chips into denominations? i.e. fractionals, $1.00, $5.00 chips?
Is a list sufficient with a scan as I can get them or..should I do it more like Will Knight has done with squares and scan of each?
Should I go with no backround and just white?
Should I list for sale/trade values for all chips?
Next...how about my collection page. Does anybody ever look at it, or is it really just a back up for me. I know it takes a long time to load, and I'm going to address that now. I'm going to break it up into specific states, so each will load fast. A single list was fine for when I only had 150 chip chips, but those days are LONG GONE !! So..Assuming its broken down into states, would anybody actually want to see the which chips I have?
Next..what do you think about the other pages. Ashtrays, matches, swizzles sticks. I can add a ton of new additions. For matches and swizzles, etc, i posted just vintage stuff. Would you all be interested in newer stuff too? I also considered doing a page for keychains. But then I thought...geeze...am i going overboard here? Does anybody want to see all the casino crap i have?
How about a page with pictures of casinos from all over? How about a viewr write in buffet cretique page. I know alot of you do little crituiques on buffets. Just throwing out some ideas.
Anything else you'd like to see?? Anything I should get rid of??
Please, any and all input is very welcome. My webpage is in your hands.