Talking with my father this morning he mentioned the origin of this set as being something that his father had when he was a boy. That would indicate that it could date to the 1930s or even 20s or earlier(?). These chips sound great when they are tapped together or tossed into a pot. It is a real cool sound. However, I fear the fragility of them. Unless I am mistaken, they seem to be bakelite. Doesn't this material get brittle with age? These chips though seem very solid especially considering they could be overy 70 yrs old. Out of what appears to be an original set of 500, based on the size of the case I found a few more than 300 still remain. The case appears as though it originally held 5 wooden trays. None of the trays have survived that I know of.
THESE CHIPS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE. I am simply posting them for information purposes. Finding these in storage, along with the other set that I am posting, has had me thinking about collecting some sets that I might find from garage, yard, house and estate sales. I have wanted to buy my own set for some time and have looked, with interest, at the 11.5g dice chips. However at the costs for new chips I have an itch that it might be more fun to see what I can find during summer rummage type sales.
Anyone that does have any information on these chips your input would be appreciated.