I remember that DI chip and had a few of them myself. Shipped the last one I had to Michael Knapp many years ago for an article he did on fake and counterfiet chips. This may be 'junk' but it differs from the DI and others in that the inlay as well as the base chip were NEVER used in the casino. Those DI's used the actual inlays that were on a 'valid' issue of the DI. These chips WERE made to defraud the DI, I don't think this Caesars chip can be classified this way.
I still think it's an interesting piece, fake or not. Maybe D. Whalen can confirm if he made these? How do you then classify the Caesars poker chips you had? That chip made TCR with the comment prototype? The same can be said of this chip, not that I'm pushing for an entry saying it's legit but without solid proof, the prototype? comment could fit here too?
Yes, it's clay. What I meant in reference to the chipco product for Caesars AC was the "similarity" in the style and graphics of the chip not the actual construction of the chip. Chipco used the "wreaths on the sides" design for their Caesars AC chips, the 'blackhead' as it's commonly called and their entire celebrity and collector series they produced for CAC.
Another question....Assuming these are fakes, wouldn't Caesars take some type of action for using their name and logo style without their permission?? I remember years ago when Trump wanted to name the marina property "Trump Palace" or "AC Palace" and the threat of legal action by Caesars for the use of 'palace' made him change the name to 'Castle".
As they used to say on the X-Files......the truth is out there.........