Tried to post this more explicitly, but apparently it didn't take. So let's try again.
The idea that kids are going to be tormented no matter what is what lead to Columbine -- despite the conservatives who would rather blame it on Marilyn Manson.
No adult would tolerate being physically attacked even once in the workplace. He would file criminal charges, and would sue his employer if the assaulting co-worker weren't fired. Yet one student punches a smaller weaker student and it's a week's detention. The weak kid should learn to deal with being assaulted.
No employee would tolerate homophobic slurs in the workplace -- and if they did they'd get sued, but when a kid uses those phrases regularly to torment a fellow student people say "Oh well, that's just kids"
No woman would tolerate being called a "S-L-U-T" every single day at her job. She would file a harrassment suit. But when a young girl hears that every day at school, people just shrug "what can you do."
It's funny how adults expect kids to deal with things that they would never tolerate in their own lives.