maybe that is true, but I hate to see problems.I don't think Phil meant any harm.I think hell fell into a bit and couldn't get out.If we gave him some help he may show he is an ok dude.If not we will know soon enough.I for one would like to see the gloves off and the tolerance for making a mistake not be so harsh.Greg was quick to point out his mistake and I think Phil over reacted.We need to be alittle more forgiving.
Andy, as for Greg words can't describe him.We all thank him for the bulletin board and contribution to the hobby.Hell I wanted to give him a chip at the convention and he insisted on giving me $5 on a chip I wanted to give him for free.He is the best!!Yes,I did try to soften the situation becauce it went to far and really seemed to be a bit much.Things are said in the heat of a disscussion and I hope in the coming days all will be resolved and forgotten!!Later-
Mitch Heller