The Stanley chip is from the Stanley Brighton casino, which Stanley casinos acquired recently - it used to be the Brighton Internation Casino Club, and is probably the worst casino I have been to in the UK! The design is the same one used at most Stanley casinos, although not all have them yet. They are all identical with the location the only difference.
The Pleasurama chip is still in use, although Pleasurama have not been around for several years - the chips are still in use at certain Grosvenor casinos, Grosvenor having been the ones to take over most Pleasurama casinos. There are a couple of Pleasurama designs in use - my website has more details.
Brighton ICC http://www.geocities.com/jdskinner123/brchiplist.html
Stanley Chips http://www.geocities.com/jdskinner123/scchiplist.html
Pleasurama Chips http://www.geocities.com/jdskinner123/plchiplist.html