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The Chip Board Archive 09

Actually, the winning bid was ...

... $275, which I raised to $300 when I paid Mike Quinlivan for it (don't know if the club matched the $275 or the $300).

The list which came with the lot went to #804, with 4 crossed out. I took that to mean the lot actually consisted of exactly 800 chips, though I haven't counted them, so don't know if any duplicates were listed.

I was really only bidding to bump the selling price up and was amazed when no one outbid me.

I am in the process of preparing a number of suggestions for changes to the regular and BF auctions next year, which include combining the two into a single session. I also think that large lots, such as this and the slot cards, should be broken into smaller units (say 100 chips per lot, mixed randomly) would have generated a much higher total.

All of that said, I was VERY happy with the lot!

----- jim o\-S

Messages In This Thread

What happened with the $1 chips Building Fund
Re: What happened with the $1 chips Building Fund
Thanks Barry
sad $1 chips sad
Trade session distracted me...
Re: Trade session distracted me...
Yah! Bryan was following meee..... rofl
rofl Even on the board.
Re: Trade session distracted me...
Re: What happened with the $1 chips Building Fund
You're not kidding and at a bargain price!
grin Thank you. What a nice website...
Unfortunate timing. sad
This is a good argument for
Re: This is a good argument (my Opinion) for
Actually, the winning bid was ...
Jim, Congratulations on the win grin
Here is my suggestion for the Bldg. Fund Auction
Here is another one

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