There is NO basic color used at this time that accurately describes the color of my new flourescent shockingly melonish, mangoish, kinda-orange-but-not-quite-really, kinda-peach-but-not-quite-right exciting new chip
When I showed it to Allan, he didn't seem real happy calling it peach or orange either
We HAD to come up with a color so people WOULDN'T get confused and think you mean orange like those boring Eldorado fracts... or peach like... ummmm... (shoot! lemme think...).... uuuhhhh... a RIO 50center!
Michael - you'd HAVE to see the chip to see it's just too colorful to be called tangelo or colon
Are you mad at us for pouncing on Allan to humor us on a slow night? We didn't think he'd go for it... but I think he became distracted and over permissive thinking about those "hotpants"