Holy Cow Do I have A buncha junk and stuff after the show! This translates into "what the heck am I going to do with some of this stuff!!!"
I have heard that one man's junk is another collectors treasure!
If anyone wants to join this round robin - LMK at oldvegaschips@cox.net
I am talking chips, ashtrays, dice, slot cards, promo chips, inflamable matches, and everything under the sun with a casino name on it.
If you are asking yourself - "What will I ever do with these 40 wetnaps I Grabbed from Circus Circus?"
You May Want To Climb Aboard For This Wild Ride!
Jane Voller - I hope you will be part of this - I see you just started a RR. My timing was bad
Hope to Have you all in this Round Robin!
Pete Rizzo