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The Chip Board Archive 09

Can LEONIDAS qualify for a lady's name?????


Can I join your ladies breakfast I got a feminine name? Katie can attest that I am the real Leonidas.

King Leonidas (without a Queen).

See you soon anyway at the convention.


Messages In This Thread

Ladies Convention Breakfast @ Thurs 7:30 am
Hey, I've got a beard! That guy look like.....
Please, Mr. Follis....
Why can't you....
Travis already threatened
I'll handle Travis....
Hey, you're the one who said...
definitely sandals...
What Travis already treated you ladies?????
Can LEONIDAS qualify for a lady's name?????
Yeah, and how about "Willamina"? vbg
How are you "Willamina"?
I'll be there Len! Look for...
He's the real Leonidas....
Re: He's the real Leonidas....
Re: Can LEONIDAS qualify for a lady's name?????
Ross, please stop it already.....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg