Because we threw this together so late, I'll post on the Ladies Breakfast daily (until I leave myself for Vegas at least)
We'd like to invite the LADY CHIPPERS and women attending the convention to join us for a NO BOYS ALLOWED breakfast at the Tropicana Island Buffet THURSDAY MORNING @ 7:30 am. (legally we can't do this, but we're gonna anyway )
We are meeting in the lobby of the Island (convention) Tower... around 7:20 - 7:25 - and hitting the in-house buffet so people can get back to set-up or catch the 8:30 seminar.
So far, we have 8 women going (5 chippers/ 3 non-chippers) and 6 maybes (half-n-half). Several people have emailed asking if their non-chipping wives & girlfriends are welcome. OF COURSE THEY ARE! The point is for the ladies to meet EARLY in the convention and possibly set-up some chip-runs (in pairs or groups) and maybe even plan some "boredom control" if they don't "breathe" chips.
HOWEVER guys - before you send your wife... if she is thinking, "Thank GOD! Normal people!" - ummmmmm... you'd better warn them that with me, Sunday, Elaine and Patty going... if they hope they'll get away from "Chip-chat", they'd probably be wrong.
So ladies... if you'd like to join us for breakfast, if you CAN, shoot me an email. Am trying to keep an approx. headcount so we know how many to expect and if we need to tip someone the night before to get adequate seating
See you all at the Trop!
PS: This (the pic below) is why we won't let Follis go... this is undercover video taken of him last year. SCARY, isn't it??