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The Chip Board Archive 09

Extra! And don't forget that donations of $100 Extra!

OR more get a numbered Building Fund chip like the one shown below. These are oversized (44mm) chips with engraved numbers. Only 100 were made.

As to.......

"If you can throw in an extra $5 and make a donation of $25.00"

If you can throw in an extra $10 and make a donation of $35 you will also get the Palms NCV chip from last year which is pictured below. Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Building Fund Table Update ccgtcc
Extra! And don't forget that donations of $100 Extra!
Re: Extra! And don't forget that donations of $100 *
You poor thing! sad
See how rough my life is? sad
If anyone sees Jill walking around with...
You don't think I can hide the evidence??
Hey Jill, Goody package in the mail vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg