Please Phyllis.............
Don't give yourself so much importance. The matter is closed. Move on to something else you are starting to become an illusionist. You are responding to posts that contain nothing to which you are responding too. I find no where in Charles or my posts to justify your following statements.
" As for Charles Kaplan with his inferences to profanity - I have no idea where that came from. I have been more civil than I'd like to be right now. Neither you or Charles Kaplan know me. ENOUGH, Mr. Perlowski - move on to some other issue and annoy someone else. To borrow someone else's phrase: you're like the guy with his foot nailed to the floor - you keep going in circles..."
However, it seems like you just like to react for the sake of reacting. Would you be so kind as to think about what you are posting and maybe realize that you are terribly one way and incorrect?
Thank you, Jim